
Self Enrollment

How it works

Check to see if we are in your area.

Subscribe to a monthly plan

Complete the intake form.

A Care Navigator will reach out directly.

At Art Pharmacy our goal is to connect you with arts and culture engagements in your area. To get started please select your state.


Let's get started

Just to make sure we can reach you if something happens, please provide your email address to continue. There will be 2 more steps after this - payment and intake.

Next Step


We use Square as our payment solution to self enroll. By clicking the link below you will be taken to our secured Square account page to process your payment. Once your payment has been processed, you will be directed to complete a short intake form.

Monthly Dose Subscription


Pay now

We aren't in your area yet.

We are always expanding our services. To be the first to know when we are in your area, please provide an email address so we can reach out. We will never share this information and will only use it to contact you about Art Pharmacy services.

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